Saturday, June 21, 2008

Step by Step guide to create and launch a Web Application with Google App Engine, Python and Django
<Part One>

Step zero: Download the software and Set up the environment
Following steps are required only Once to set up the Google App Engine/Python/Django development environment in Windows
  1. Download and install the latest Python (I'm using Python 2.5) from the Python website
  2. Download and install the latest Python pywin32 add-on
  3. Download the App Engine SDK. Follow the instructions on the download page to install the SDK on your computer.
  4. Download the Google App Engine Helper for Django at
  5. Extract the helper source archive into a directory, c:downloadappengine_helper_for_django
Here are the recommended steps to create a new Application

Step one: Start the default server in localhost
  1. Sign up for an App Engine account and create an Application. i.e smartwebnote
  2. Copy the c:downloadappengine_helper_for_django into the your working directory, c:demo and rename the folder appengine_helper_for_django to whatever the name you want i.e. coolsite.
  3. cd c:democoolsite
  4. c:democoolsite> runserver and go check the application running
  5. In the command line, you may see
    "WARNING:root:Could not read datastore data from c:...localtempdjango_google-app-engine-django.datastore"
    Ignore the WARING for now
Now, You have a basic server running in your local PC!

Step two: Create an application and Handle the http request with "Hello World" response
  1. C:democoolsite> startapp smartwebnote
  2. Edit to add
    urlpatterns = patterns('smartwebnote.views',
    (r'^$', 'index'),
  3. cd smartwebnote. Edit
    from django.http import HttpResponse
    def index(request):
    return HttpResponse('Hello world')
  4. refresh the server at you should get the "Hello World"!
Step three: Add Models and play with the Development Console(replacement for Django Admin Site)
  1. Edit
    from google.appengine.ext import db
    from appengie_django.models import BaseModel

    class Note(BaseModel):
    content = db.TextProperty()
    last_updated = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
  2. Create a few Note objects using the Python shell
    > shell
    >>> from smartwebnote.models import Note
    >>> note = Note(content='my first note')
    datastore_types.Key.from_path('Note', 1, _app=u'google-app-engine-django')
    >>> note = Note(content='my second note')
    datastore_types.Key.from_path('Note', 2, _app=u'google-app-engine-django')
    >>> results = Note.all().fetch(limit=10)
    >>> print results
    [<smartwebnote.models.Note object at 0x01DFEA70>, <smartwebnote.models.Note object at 0x01DFEB10>]
  3. We have successfully created Note objects using shell. Now let's use the Development Console manage the objects
  4. goto: http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin/datastore. Click the interactive Console. Add the following code
    from smartwebnote.models import Note
    note = Note(content='my first note')
    print note
  5. go back to the Datastore Viewer and search for 'Note'. You should see the object you just created! Using the console to create a few more objects and try the delete function as well.
The Development console is not as powerful as the Django Admin. However it's better than nothing :)

Step four: Add Views and Templates to display the list
Views in Django = Controller in MVC pattern
Templates in Django = View in MVC pattern
The generic views provided by Django can not be supported in Google App Engine
  1. Test the query in the Application Interactive Console
    object_list = Note.all()
    for o in object_list:
    print o.content
    You should get a list of objects you created in the Console
  2. Edit the and add the pattern for list
    urlpatterns = patterns('smartwebnote.views',
    (r'^$', 'index'),
    (r'^list/$', 'list'),
  3. Edit the smartwebnote/
    query = Note.all()
    def list(request):
    return render_to_response('smartwebnote/note_list.html',
  4. Create templates/smartwebnote under c:/demo/coolsite/
  5. Create note_list.html

    <p> <a href ="create"> Create a new note</a></p>
    <table id="myTable">
    <th>Last Updated</th>
    {% for note in object_list %}
    <tr valign="top">
    <a href="delete/{{ }}">Delete</a>
    <a href="{{ }}">{{ note.content }}</a>
    {{ note.last_updated|date:"M j, Y, P" }}

    {% endfor %}

  6. Reload the page:
You should see a list of Notes created before!
This completes the Part one of this tutorial. Hopefully this helps. Feel free to contact me if you have questions and comments.